Saturday, December 12, 2009

We Are All Made From the Inside Out

Mind evolves on ideas, and ideas express themselves through our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. Just as the earth and its involvement in revolvement, we also have a negative and a positive pole which either turns us the right way or the wrong way. What I mean about the right way and the wrong way is that we usually turn to the outside source for our incoming of things, but turning to the outside source of what is already made, that started from the inside; is like recreating a creation. Everything on the outside is a symbol that started on the inside and manifested itself to be because of an inner idea.

We are all made from the inside out. We separate ourselves from each other because we tend to look on what has been already made on the outside of each other. Most of us live on the outside of things which will always bring to us destruction. To live on the outside is to exemplify everything on the outside with personal worth, an excessive desire to keep everything or hoard symbols, resenting others successes, holding anger towards someone because of situations that have happened, having a general want or desire for something and putting everyone and everything else aside, to consume only for self for self gratification, and being apathetic towards all living things.

We now are belonging to the age of instant gratification. This in itself is not good because of the facts that represent themselves that our wants exceed our needs in our own lives toward living. We are starting to depend on the outer circumstances of life first rather than the inner kingdom of God. Each victory starts on the inside of us all for outer accomplishment, we cannot live outside first then expect a revelation to commence. Every victory will strengthen us until the time will come when we will no longer have to say "I hope or believe, but that I know". When you know something it starts on the inside and becomes a sensation of a sure thing and that all you have to do is to think positively into it and wait for the results to come into the outer. A creation of things to come for oneself takes time, just as a baby is formed from a seed. The things that you endeavor will come to pass, but you must have a tranquil mind, and a simpatico heart.

Life is given to all from all. We must realize that life is not fundamentally physical, but mental and spiritual. We are not dealing with a condition but with the causes. We do not see life, we only see what life does. This is called a condition. More blatantly we live in the outer world of effects and in the inner world of causes. The things we deal with, in itself, are never limited, but we often are, because we only draw to ourselves in what we believe. Our only limitation is our unbelief of inner self, we are our own inheritance of how and what we want to become and occupy. Do not blame God for your limitation, blame your perception. To have good come into your life, you have to become good-natured. This is very hard to do for many because many become discouraged and give-up, this in itself is a sign that you cannot do life by yourself, but with God all things are possible.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Life Like a Blueberry Pie


1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus extra for rolling 

8 Tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butter, very-cold, cut into 1/2 inch cubes 

1/2 teaspoon salt 

1/2 teaspoon sugar (increase to 1 1/2 teaspoons if for a sweet recipe) 

2 to 4 Tbsp ice water, very cold

3 pints of blueberries, cleaned and stems removed 

2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 

1/4 cup all-purpose flour (for thickening) 

1/2 cup sugar 

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 

2 Tbsp unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
***Egg wash ingredients*** 

1 egg 

1 Tbsp milk
You see from above that this is the start of a recipe, a recipe to make blueberry pie. When you look at all the necessary ingredients from up above we have a basis or a foundation to start from, but no directions to follow. This is the test of times and a challenge has begun.
In life according to a blueberry pie, there is no beginning, no bullet points, and no number one. To most of us we do not no what to do, it begins to become a harum-scarum situation. The only way out, to put a cease, or to say "enough is enough", is to start somewhere, but where? It does not matter because you might fail a hundred times or a thousand times, but as long as you start somewhere, you will start your direction to something more beautiful and more amazing, but you have to start.
We all have a shadow and we can never escape from it, no matter where you stand or jump, from a modest youth to a developed adult, our shadow is their. All of us have to go through life failing, because we are waiting for the time to be right to start something worthwhile. The time will never be just right, you have to stand, and work with whatever tools you have at your command throughout your given life. You will be found having broken tools, refurbished tools, tools that just did not work, and tools that continue to never fail. With these tools, you cannot hoard them for yourself; only for you, because these tools are really not yours, they are there to be used generously and to be given or passed on to someone else to use and for their purposes in life.
Everyone has a brain and mind of your own. Use it, and reach your own decisions. If you need facts or information from other people, to enable you to reach decisions, as you probably will in many instances in your life; acquire these facts to begin your knowledge. Keep your eyes and ears wide open and your mouth closed. Those who talk too much do little else. If you talk more than you listen, you not only deprive yourself of many opportunities to accumulate useful knowledge, but you also disclose your plans and purposes to people who will take great delight in defeating you, because they envy you. Remember that every person that you associate with is, like yourself, seeking the opportunity, so tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it because your deeds, not your words, are what count the most.
Life is is like a blueberry pie because we tend to look on the outside for our answers. The outside of a blueberry pie is a dark-brown beautiful sugary crust of wholesomeness, but the truth is is that the outside has already been formed and finished, so basically how can you answer your question when the answer has been answered? What I do know is that to answer your answer to your life's questions can be found on the inside of yourself, in your mind. You see like a blueberry pie, it starts with the blueberries and the blueberries are in the inside of the pie not on the outside of the crust. Just like you and everyone else, all beauty of one's beginning starts on the inside; a start of creation and develops to the outer crust; a ending called materialization. Thank you for your time and thank you for reading.

Monday, November 23, 2009

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Biggest Investment You Will Ever Make

Our biggest investment in our lives, do you really want to know? It is so touchable, it is so perceivable, it is so strong and continuous, and always shows an expression of life, into life, and is life. This investment is so difficult though for every one to understand, that if told, if focalized, if shown, would it be really worth knowing in the first place of knowing?
The truth is that the truth is self-evident, it is very apparent, but yet the individual or individuals hardly take into discussion that it can be so simple, yet so very rewarding, that when this investment is properly applied, the abundance in reality will become a rapid force of reckoning.
The answer is.........yourself. This is and will always be the biggest investment in your life. The reasons are many, but everything that is in your environment is because of you. You are with yourself everyday, in the beginning and until the end. What you attain or what you attract is all up to you. The very best thing you can do for the whole world for investment is to make the most out of yourself.
Your investment is you and your commitment to attain something with the expectation of a worthwhile result. You as an investment must be met and put into action during the present time, not the past, or the future. The world will invest in you when your advancement of investment can more than fill its present place. No investment in society can advance to get and become greater if every person was smaller than there place. Your investment can never know all the combinations without the Supreme Force helping your investment unlock all possibilities of your investments potential.
Your matters are always turning in the right conjunction with the greater good of your investment unless your investment acts in and with too many inefficient manners. In a continuous contemplation in the approach of your investment, your investment will fix in itself to the every given detail that is put forth. To become a successful investment, a successful action is required to receive cumulative results. This is the solution of every investment that the desire for more life is inherent in all things. The more the investment moves toward the larger life the more things attach themselves to the investment and will become increasingly rapid.
For Good only comes to those who are only good to themselves. In many cases our past mistakes make illusive judgements that give consequences opportunity to take charge and put the investment in an undesirable environment. In time the investment does not like to be put in the position of doing what it does not want to do. This is only the beginning of the means to bring the investment to do what it was meant to do. The investment is meant to find and give a higher standard of expression into a greater life of a becoming.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Role Models and You

Role Models and You

One important strategy for achieving your goals is to identify role models who have already achieved the success that you aspire to. Our role models inspire us and give us a glimpse of what is possible in life. However, there is one important point relating to role models that is often overlooked…

When you find a role model that you admire, it can be very tempting to want to be just like them. This can lead to the mistake of thinking that in order to be successful you need to be more like your mentor and less like yourself.
The reality however is that pretending to be someone you are not never leads to long term success.
One of the most valuable success lessons to be learned is this:
Learn from others but be yourself

Whatever goal you are currently pursuing, it is very important to realize that the best way to obtain success is to learn from others but always remain true to yourself. Instead of trying to become someone you are not, focus on being more of who you really are.
When you combine the tips and strategies of your role models with your own unique personality you will have a powerful recipe for achieving success. So always remember to learn from others but be yourself.

Success In A Pot

Success In A Pot

One of the best things you can have on your desk at work or on your kitchen table is a pot plant. Not only does it look great but, believe it or not, it can also be a valuable tool for achieving success in every area of your life.

So how can a simple plant help you achieve success?
One of the fundamental laws of nature is this:
Anything that does not receive regular attention will deteriorate in time.
If you think about this for a moment, you’ll see that this law holds true not only for a plant but also for every area of your life:
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your health, it will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your relationships, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your finances, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your faith, it will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your feelings, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to you, you will deteriorate over time.
Having a plant on your desk is a great visual reminder of this fundamental law because if you don’t water it regularly it too will deteriorate.
As you water your plant every few days, use this action as a trigger to remind yourself to review your health, relationships, finances, faith, feelings, and you on a regular basis.
When you give a thing special attention to your plant in a Certain Way, that plant will remind you of the things in your life that need that special attention.  
As you can see, a simple plant sitting on your desk or kitchen table can be an effective means to your actions.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Your Own Company Is Yourself

Most of us will never seize the time to take inventory of all the advantages of this word FREEDOM! Here in this great country of AMERICA, we have freedom of thought, freedom of choices, freedom to accumulate and own without vexation, freedom to choose our place of residence, freedom of travel from one state to another, and freedom to aim high in life for which we have prepared ourselves.

It is one thing to want this or want that -everyone wants more- but it is something entirely different to be worth more! Everyday so many people mistake their wants for their just dues. Every one's financial requirements or the wants have nothing whatsoever to do with their worth. Every one's value is summed up by their abilities to GIVE a useful service or the capacity to induce others to GIVE such services.

Common sense, if effectively marketed, represent a much much more desirable form of capital than that which is done to conduct any business dealings. Common sense is a form of capital which cannot ever be depreciated through any recession or depression, or be stolen and spent. Money itself is worthless until it has been mixed with efficient common sense. 

YOU are your own company. YOU market yourself on any given day. YOU perform basically a personal service continuously from the given time of waking up throughout the day, afternoon, and evening, until you go to bed. YOU are in the quality of service to the performance of every detail, in connection of your position, with the continually effort of a greater adaptability always in mind. YOU are in the quantity of service to understand the habits to deliver all services which you are capable, at all times, with the direction of increasing to develop a greater skill through practice and experience. 

Finally, YOU should always be in the SPIRIT of service to show and embrace a rhythmical conduct which will in time bring about the cooperation of fellow men and women.When it comes to any FREEDOM, YOU are the personal touch, YOU are your own business, YOU will always have what it takes, YOU ARE SPECIAL! YOU have always been a GIFT because that is why YOU live as the PRESENT!

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life Is Not A Battle But A Game

A huge number of people enjoy board games. An individual gets to pick out a character, a color, a number, or whatever is to there liking and of whatever the game is offering. A game, however; cannot be successfully played without the knowledge of the given rules. Most games are played, but most people do not get the clearness of what the game is teaching. All games are teaching no matter of what age preference it says on the outside of the box. What it teaches the young and the old is the game of GIVING and RECEIVING. In any game, the gift always remains on the inside, it is a working substance to rightly change the outside of oneself to promote unequivocal happiness.
We all see life as it appears to be, we live in the consciousness of our own minds. We see death, disaster, sickness, poverty and of every limitation of every kind, and we imprint this of what we see into our subconscious mind. Most people do not believe in DESTINY. Many people, however; are put in their own ignorance of their given true destinies and are striving for things and situations which do not belong to them, and this would only bring failure and dissatisfaction if attained.
Every living thing whether it be beast, plant, or animal must continually always seek for the enlargement of its own life, because life, in the mere action of living, must always seek a way to increase itself. We are always seeking a necessity for continuous increases. Every thought we are thinking of, makes it necessary for us to think another thought, in which; our consciousness is wanting an increase of the expansion of knowledge. In our game of life if we want more, and to be more, we have to know more. The individual only really lives when they perform every given function of which they have received over and over. We are given a body to live, a mind to think, and a spirit to love.
Get rid of the continuous thought of competition. You are here to create, not to compare for what has already been created. We are not here to take away from anyone. You help others not by self-sacrifice, but by making the most of yourself than in any other way.
In every thought, and in every word expressed is a stamping effect upon the subconscious and must be carried out in every detail. If you want to win in the game of life, you must know who is your supplier because with every demand has a supply from which it comes from. We have to be prepared for the winning to commence in our lives, even when there is not the slightest sign of winning in our sights.
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Do Not Ever Give Up Entrepreneur

A common mistake that marketers make is that they try a few things, and then WAIT and to see the money fall from trees and the sky. Well let me be clear ladies and gentlemen and before you spend a single penny on marketing. When it comes to marketing, get rid of the entitlement mentality and think this will happen on its own, because it will never happen.
Ladies and gentlemen if marketing were easy, everyone and every business would be very successful. Please pay close attention that marketing is the true key to every successful business. Marketing is your way to get out in front to target your audience. Your business will not grow without consistent advertising and promotion. Ladies and gentlemen this does not mean you have to break your bank to advertise. It does mean that you have to take some form of decisive action toward marketing your business every day. Remember you are an entrepreneur now so stop making excuses and start making it happen.
Marketing is very difficult and very rewarding. The feeling of accomplishment that comes from setting up your campaign, helping people become successful, and seeing the changes in your life are incredible. Your business needs three things from you always- time, focus, and resources. To also be very successful you need a mentor and a business coach that can help you develop a grid-iron business plan that works for you and your budget. At the end of the day, with all of the training and resources that you embark on, there should never be no excuse for you to have a shortage of traffic. A lot of people fail when they place an ad in a newsletter, magazine, newspaper, radio, or website. And when they do not see quick results, they pull their ad give up and usually try a different business.
Ladies and gentlemen hear me out. Some people think that prosperity is something that other people get. This is not true, you deserve to enjoy a life of abundance, time, freedom, and money. Life will always beat you down no matter who you are and what you have. You have always been in control of your own life, but most of the time we let people, jobs, government etc..make the decisions for us. We have to come out of our comfort zones and yes it can be very scary and uncomfortable, but if you want to start controlling your life you have to face the storm head-on.
Hello, My name is Branden Saunders, 33 yrs old, live in Colorado, but hail from Nebraska. I'm just an ordinary average guy, actually a Roughneck that worked hard in the gas fields of Meeker Colorado. This business tapped into me spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. After countless research and many failings of my own hard earned money, I finally found a real-life educating business that teaches me real-life financial education and have real-life financial freedom. I have unbelievable mentors and unbelievable coaches on my side to help make me successful do you?
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A Real-Life Business School

Ask any successful doer what's the fastest, most surefire way to success. They'll almost certainly tell you to find someone who is already where you want to be, and simply do what they're doing. That way, you are able to leverage their dues and avoid the costly mistakes that they made along the way.
Imagine tapping into the top network marketers in the world. These are the entrepreneurs who have already done what you want to do with your business: sustained solid growth and massive profits! What if their proven methods, their business knowledge, their marketing secrets-every solid piece of valuable information you could possibly want for your business... what if you could put all that to work for you?
Perhaps even right now you're facing a slew of bills and debts that is such a heavy load, you're straining just to make ends meet. You wake up each morning with the same problems on your mind from the night before, and you just want to turn over and go back to sleep but you can't. You despise the idea of failing right? yet you're struggling the lifestyle you know you and your family deserve. Ultimately, these worries make you anxious.
Listen to me carefully and write this down: Wealth is reserved for people in the know. The difference between those who live the good life and those who don't is simple...The first sought out knowledge that gave them the powers and abilities necessary to literally design their dream life. The rest took a back seat to life and let it design their life for them, filling the low-wage, long-hour slots in society left over by those who took the proactive approach. It's not magic. It's just information, properly used.
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A Line cook To A Network Marketer WOW

Hello everyone my name is Branden D. Saunders The Line cook. My story begins working in restaurants, hotels, and big corporate companies. My span is 15+ years and this is what it took for me to become a great leader in line cooking. It was never easy having to start at the bottom and work my way up. From chefs and managers cussing, throwing plates, knives, food, fists, yelling constantly, kicking me in the butt to hurry up, bad attitudes, basically being baptized by fire constantly oh my. This also includes the front of the house or FOH throwing plates at you, screaming, arguing, picking fights, cussing at you, and telling you to hurry up because customers are waiting and the food is getting cold.
I hope that you can see that working in the food service industry is a constant battle for anyone. I became very good at following any system in any restaurant that I worked in. It is basically the same bust your butt, yell back, hot food hot cold food cold, repetition, temps, time, bust your butt, clean as you go, be safe and sanitary, bust your butt, and get it done because at the end of the night you get a beer and a shot for a job well done. Well this is a great life when your single because you meet alot of different cultures, backgrounds, color, age, and wisdom. You also get dates, drunk, go to great parties, experiment with drugs, and have money in your pocket.
This is the life of working in many kitchens sounds fun huh? If you want to have your foot in the door for moving up in pay in promotion you have to socialize constantly and be seen by the managers, chefs, and the people you work with. Remember that everyone is always watching you if you think that they are not. After lots of success from starting out as a busboy, to a dishwasher, prep, line cooking, I got into management. The reason I say that I am the line cook is that in any kitchen the line is the heart of any company. It does take, however; many positions to make sure the line is successful, but in the end the line is what makes or breaks the business.
As I became older I got married and had kids. I still wanted the life of the kitchen and what it gave me. I gave more of my time, energy, and focus to my kitchen life than to my wife and kids. I started hitting walls and what I mean by walls is that in any kitchen I could only go so far and make so much money. I truly gave my blood, sweat, and tears to this business literally. This business grew on me I was successful at it for crying out loud.
I then hung up my kitchen clothes and became a network marketer. The reason for this is that during my times in a kitchen I have always searched to have a better life; a wholesome life. The doors and windows of opportunity have always been there ready for me to open them. I have always worked and followed a path of someone else's success, but really did not involve me and my legacy to pay it forward. The kitchen's success to follow is that you will constantly be held down from unlocking your true potential. You can only go so far following a system that only gives you just enough to get by.
I am so glad to follow a different success, a different challenge, a different path, and a different system of people actually changing their lives for the greater good for themselves and for humanity. From getting an education that serves you not you serving the education to get nothing from it. What I mean by this is that when you learn it you apply it constantly throughout your journey. Your success is through helping others, learning not to be selfish and not becoming a hoarder of ones self. I have seen the changes in my eyes and through the eyes of so many people that these changes to success are becoming endless and infinite. The searching for spiritual need, physical need, emotional need, and mental need is over. I personally have found great life-changing and real results from becoming a network marketer.
I leave you with four lessons from Mother Teresa from the book The Power Of Purpose written by Peter S. Temes:
  1. Ambition does not have to be selfish.
  2. Ambition is most effective when it serves a greater good.
  3. Ambition can come hand in hand with modesty-the focus of attention can remain on the ambitious accomplishments and not on the ego of the person leading the charge.
  4. The way to succeed is to play by the rules, but play harder and play smarter than the rest of the pack. Do that and you'll be on the side of the angels. Share what you gain, and you are doing the work the world needs done.
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    Stop Asking a Financial Advisor What to Do With Your Money!

    "Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow. The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow. And the more faithfully you nourish and water that tree with consistent savings, the sooner may you bask in contentment beneath the shade". A quote from the book The Richest Man In Babylon.

    Why are we giving our life savings to big financial companies to invest it for us? Isn't your money and not theirs? When are we going to start educating ourselves to know how our money can work for us. Instead we give our money to people and hope that we get big returns and that they will handle our life for us. Are you really serious? Then, wow, we blame those companies and people for losing our money. Are you really serious? As Warren Buffet has put it that people are showing up in front of wall street in rolls royces and taking advice from people who take the subway. I am not a guru, but I know where my money is at all times. I call my money on my cell phone, I write my money a letter, I email my money, I text my money, I pray with my money, I invite my money over for a bbq, and I ask my money how the family is doing. To me my money dosen't control me, I control my money. Sometimes my money is having a bad day and loses its luster, that is when I come up and polish my money to make it happy and go through the day shining.
    Did we not go through school? Did we seek out and want to know how to read, to write, to add, to subtract, to divide, and to multiply? Have these skills helped us to become better in development to this world? Did you not learn how to become social through education, did you not learn how to listen through education, did you not learn how to solve problems through education, did you not learn how to dream through education, and did you not learn how to become yourself through education. You see how important education is to you. Education defines us to want to learn a new skill and a way to better ourselves now and forever more.
    We come up with the finger pointing game, the entitlement mentality, the whining, the excuses, and the it is not my fault it is theirs. Why are we doing this? This is your money is it not? You and only you got up in the morning worked 8 to 14 hours or more a day for this money. You worked at the same job for 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 years right. You bled, you cried, you sweat for this money right. Now you want to say how could you lose my money to someone else who did not work for your money, wow.
    Instead of thinking that rich are getting richer and that prosperity is reserved only for the wealthy, find out how they got that way. People like Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Steven Jobs, and Larry Page and Sergey Brin started out as average people. These successful individuals found a way for their money to work for them instead of working for their money. So I ask you if these successful people jumped off a bridge would you follow them or would you stand their and laugh, tell yourself no way, walk away, or ignore them. Do you really think that when these successful individuals jump they did not come prepared? This is why they are successful, this is why they can have fun, this is why they live in beautiful homes, drive fast cars, eat at great places, and travel the world over and over again. They still work like you and I, but they educate themselves by walking into success with an empty glass, never full.
    Lastly, I ask you humbly to please pay attention that you are in control of you. When it comes to everything about you, you determine your outcome, no one else does. Please stop blaming everyone else for your problems because you are the only one that can solve them. Start putting your life's puzzle together instead of trying to force pieces of other nature that will never fit. You can make anything possible for yourself if you want it, so educate yourself on getting it.
    Hello, My name is Branden D. Saunders The Line Cook. Please take a moment and click on the links below to start a great journey, with a great business, and with a great and forever education. 

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    Mentor-The True Superhero

    Look in the sky it's a bird, no it's a plane, no I just wish someone could help me I don't know what to do. We as human beings have chosen to go at life alone, without help, without thinking the situation through, without listening, not knowing if it might hurt others, and leaving the bird's nest with a do or die mentality. What if all this could change if we all had MENTORS in our lives? Really, ask yourself this question no matter what state of mind your in or position your in. If you personally had access to great wisdom from others who have experienced what you are going through do you think your life would be better?

    Experience is the best teacher for attaining skills, learning values, and getting information. When someone goes through any given situation he or she knows the obstacles that have confronted them, how to work with them or around them, how to go from giving up to taking control, how to ask the right questions to get the right answers, and how to fail many times over in the beginning to achieving maximum success in the end. This is a MENTOR: someone who can help us learn the ways of life, someone who give us back confidence, self-belief, courage, and brings out the greatness in ourselves.

    A mentor is the connecting joint to another person for allowing movement or motion. Without movement how can you create energy for wherever you want to go? Without motion how can you change your location? A mentor puts you in motion of your life to allow you to move forward one step at a time, which creates a bead of focus on the center of hitting your target.

    Usual problem areas which are in need of a MENTOR:

    How about our jobs we could use a mentor their. Usually if you search for a mentor here you would identify someone who has achieved success in the area you want to excel in or where you need improvment.
    Family matters is a place for a need of a mentor. The best place to visit is your local church. In the house of the lord their are many families wanting to help you and your family. Their are several families that are good role models to help you develop a healthy and growing family or to help you become a better parent and a spouse.
    Then sometimes we like to sit in front of that t.v. instead of wanting to lose that weight that you promised yourself. What could you do with a mentor to help you and push you to lose that 30lbs or more. A mentor in this area offers encouragement and designs a plan that will work for you to achieve a new and redeveloped you -that is powerful stuff!
    How about trying to find that right path of education. We are usually faced with going into college without really knowing where to start. When in high school ask your counselor that is why they are their.
    What about the way we talk to people like carrying on a good converstation, or asking someone out for a date, or just expressing ourselves in a good manner. A mentor is key to this situation and it could be a good friend that stands out in the crowd or a buddy at work. Hang out with them from time to time and in time you will see the changes in you. You will become more of an approachable person and enjoy your own company.
    So here are a few examples of when we are in need of help. This is why the MENTOR is the True Superhero.

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