Monday, November 2, 2009

Role Models and You

Role Models and You

One important strategy for achieving your goals is to identify role models who have already achieved the success that you aspire to. Our role models inspire us and give us a glimpse of what is possible in life. However, there is one important point relating to role models that is often overlooked…

When you find a role model that you admire, it can be very tempting to want to be just like them. This can lead to the mistake of thinking that in order to be successful you need to be more like your mentor and less like yourself.
The reality however is that pretending to be someone you are not never leads to long term success.
One of the most valuable success lessons to be learned is this:
Learn from others but be yourself

Whatever goal you are currently pursuing, it is very important to realize that the best way to obtain success is to learn from others but always remain true to yourself. Instead of trying to become someone you are not, focus on being more of who you really are.
When you combine the tips and strategies of your role models with your own unique personality you will have a powerful recipe for achieving success. So always remember to learn from others but be yourself.

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