Monday, November 23, 2009

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Biggest Investment You Will Ever Make

Our biggest investment in our lives, do you really want to know? It is so touchable, it is so perceivable, it is so strong and continuous, and always shows an expression of life, into life, and is life. This investment is so difficult though for every one to understand, that if told, if focalized, if shown, would it be really worth knowing in the first place of knowing?
The truth is that the truth is self-evident, it is very apparent, but yet the individual or individuals hardly take into discussion that it can be so simple, yet so very rewarding, that when this investment is properly applied, the abundance in reality will become a rapid force of reckoning.
The answer is.........yourself. This is and will always be the biggest investment in your life. The reasons are many, but everything that is in your environment is because of you. You are with yourself everyday, in the beginning and until the end. What you attain or what you attract is all up to you. The very best thing you can do for the whole world for investment is to make the most out of yourself.
Your investment is you and your commitment to attain something with the expectation of a worthwhile result. You as an investment must be met and put into action during the present time, not the past, or the future. The world will invest in you when your advancement of investment can more than fill its present place. No investment in society can advance to get and become greater if every person was smaller than there place. Your investment can never know all the combinations without the Supreme Force helping your investment unlock all possibilities of your investments potential.
Your matters are always turning in the right conjunction with the greater good of your investment unless your investment acts in and with too many inefficient manners. In a continuous contemplation in the approach of your investment, your investment will fix in itself to the every given detail that is put forth. To become a successful investment, a successful action is required to receive cumulative results. This is the solution of every investment that the desire for more life is inherent in all things. The more the investment moves toward the larger life the more things attach themselves to the investment and will become increasingly rapid.
For Good only comes to those who are only good to themselves. In many cases our past mistakes make illusive judgements that give consequences opportunity to take charge and put the investment in an undesirable environment. In time the investment does not like to be put in the position of doing what it does not want to do. This is only the beginning of the means to bring the investment to do what it was meant to do. The investment is meant to find and give a higher standard of expression into a greater life of a becoming.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Role Models and You

Role Models and You

One important strategy for achieving your goals is to identify role models who have already achieved the success that you aspire to. Our role models inspire us and give us a glimpse of what is possible in life. However, there is one important point relating to role models that is often overlooked…

When you find a role model that you admire, it can be very tempting to want to be just like them. This can lead to the mistake of thinking that in order to be successful you need to be more like your mentor and less like yourself.
The reality however is that pretending to be someone you are not never leads to long term success.
One of the most valuable success lessons to be learned is this:
Learn from others but be yourself

Whatever goal you are currently pursuing, it is very important to realize that the best way to obtain success is to learn from others but always remain true to yourself. Instead of trying to become someone you are not, focus on being more of who you really are.
When you combine the tips and strategies of your role models with your own unique personality you will have a powerful recipe for achieving success. So always remember to learn from others but be yourself.

Success In A Pot

Success In A Pot

One of the best things you can have on your desk at work or on your kitchen table is a pot plant. Not only does it look great but, believe it or not, it can also be a valuable tool for achieving success in every area of your life.

So how can a simple plant help you achieve success?
One of the fundamental laws of nature is this:
Anything that does not receive regular attention will deteriorate in time.
If you think about this for a moment, you’ll see that this law holds true not only for a plant but also for every area of your life:
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your health, it will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your relationships, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your finances, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your faith, it will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your feelings, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to you, you will deteriorate over time.
Having a plant on your desk is a great visual reminder of this fundamental law because if you don’t water it regularly it too will deteriorate.
As you water your plant every few days, use this action as a trigger to remind yourself to review your health, relationships, finances, faith, feelings, and you on a regular basis.
When you give a thing special attention to your plant in a Certain Way, that plant will remind you of the things in your life that need that special attention.  
As you can see, a simple plant sitting on your desk or kitchen table can be an effective means to your actions.