Monday, November 2, 2009

Success In A Pot

Success In A Pot

One of the best things you can have on your desk at work or on your kitchen table is a pot plant. Not only does it look great but, believe it or not, it can also be a valuable tool for achieving success in every area of your life.

So how can a simple plant help you achieve success?
One of the fundamental laws of nature is this:
Anything that does not receive regular attention will deteriorate in time.
If you think about this for a moment, you’ll see that this law holds true not only for a plant but also for every area of your life:
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your health, it will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your relationships, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your finances, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your faith, it will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to your feelings, they will deteriorate over time.
  • If you do not pay regular attention to you, you will deteriorate over time.
Having a plant on your desk is a great visual reminder of this fundamental law because if you don’t water it regularly it too will deteriorate.
As you water your plant every few days, use this action as a trigger to remind yourself to review your health, relationships, finances, faith, feelings, and you on a regular basis.
When you give a thing special attention to your plant in a Certain Way, that plant will remind you of the things in your life that need that special attention.  
As you can see, a simple plant sitting on your desk or kitchen table can be an effective means to your actions.

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