Saturday, December 12, 2009

We Are All Made From the Inside Out

Mind evolves on ideas, and ideas express themselves through our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. Just as the earth and its involvement in revolvement, we also have a negative and a positive pole which either turns us the right way or the wrong way. What I mean about the right way and the wrong way is that we usually turn to the outside source for our incoming of things, but turning to the outside source of what is already made, that started from the inside; is like recreating a creation. Everything on the outside is a symbol that started on the inside and manifested itself to be because of an inner idea.

We are all made from the inside out. We separate ourselves from each other because we tend to look on what has been already made on the outside of each other. Most of us live on the outside of things which will always bring to us destruction. To live on the outside is to exemplify everything on the outside with personal worth, an excessive desire to keep everything or hoard symbols, resenting others successes, holding anger towards someone because of situations that have happened, having a general want or desire for something and putting everyone and everything else aside, to consume only for self for self gratification, and being apathetic towards all living things.

We now are belonging to the age of instant gratification. This in itself is not good because of the facts that represent themselves that our wants exceed our needs in our own lives toward living. We are starting to depend on the outer circumstances of life first rather than the inner kingdom of God. Each victory starts on the inside of us all for outer accomplishment, we cannot live outside first then expect a revelation to commence. Every victory will strengthen us until the time will come when we will no longer have to say "I hope or believe, but that I know". When you know something it starts on the inside and becomes a sensation of a sure thing and that all you have to do is to think positively into it and wait for the results to come into the outer. A creation of things to come for oneself takes time, just as a baby is formed from a seed. The things that you endeavor will come to pass, but you must have a tranquil mind, and a simpatico heart.

Life is given to all from all. We must realize that life is not fundamentally physical, but mental and spiritual. We are not dealing with a condition but with the causes. We do not see life, we only see what life does. This is called a condition. More blatantly we live in the outer world of effects and in the inner world of causes. The things we deal with, in itself, are never limited, but we often are, because we only draw to ourselves in what we believe. Our only limitation is our unbelief of inner self, we are our own inheritance of how and what we want to become and occupy. Do not blame God for your limitation, blame your perception. To have good come into your life, you have to become good-natured. This is very hard to do for many because many become discouraged and give-up, this in itself is a sign that you cannot do life by yourself, but with God all things are possible.

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